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What is a retreat?


It is a time of quiet when you can get away from the ordinary demands of life.

It provides both time and space to gain a better perspective on the deeper meaning of your life.

It offers more of what you yearn for, that is a place and a way to come to know Yourself  better.

It is a time of reconciliation and peace.

It is a gift you give yourself and a time for you to be good to yourself.



Why should I come to a retreat?

It is an opportunity to explore yourself through our practices. We are a busy people these days, with all the distractions and diversions that surround us, it is hard to look inward, relax, and fully take advantage of what life has to offer.  Our retreat offers you the chance to get away from the normal routines and customs of everyday life, which allows for a valuable perspective onto ourselves.11:11 Process takes place in exotic locations, which allows for the benefit of a unique vacation experience in combination with deepening your  practices. 

  • 11:11 Process retreat is a concentrated time of healing and growth that can jump start you in a way that is different from any other kind of retreat, using a series of specifically chosen techniques from different fields of study.

  • It is a time of quiet when you can get away from the ordinary demands of life.

  • It provides both time and space to gain a better perspective on the deeper meaning of your life.

  • It offers more of what you yearn for, that is a place and a way to come to know Yourself better.

  • It is a time of reconciliation and peace.

  • It is a gift you give yourself and a time for you to be good to yourself.



What will the group be like? Will I be lost in a big crowd or will I be able to make some connections?

This is a small group of maximum 20 people, selected carefully to make sure the retreat is a good idea for them at this time.  You will have plenty of time to interact personally and make friends.



What actually happens at 11:11 Process retreat?

The format is a combination of didactic and experiential parts. There aren't any leftures but more of talks to present information, and the group can discuss, contribute, and ask questions.  If there is a new concept or skill to learn, there will often be a demonstrations.  But the retreat is not primarily focused on cognitive needs. You can read books and listen to lectures for that. The time we spend together is highly interactive.  You will often be doing things in pairs or small groups, guided by a structure provided by our Master Coaches.  It might be talking and sharing experiences, or doing an exercise of some kind.  We also use expressive means to process emotions such as art, writing, movement, and group activities such as role-play. Jelena and Niaz are skilled with using guided imagery for self-discovery, healing, and skill-building. All participation is voluntary and there is no judgment.



What goes on between sessions?

The 10 days is designed to be relaxing and fun as well as a time of healing and growth.  During breaks we have music, stretching, eating, dancing, sight seeing, swimming and art available. The resort has two private pools and secluded corners with breath taking views. You can spend time alone meditating or writing, or you can get acquainted with new friends.



What if I am scared the information on the retreat may challenge my current beliefs?

Your beliefs are up to you. We have no requirements or judgment about belief or unbelief.  People who attend are at different stages of their life, but all share a commitment towards change. They might be atheist, but they might also be Religious or have another view of spirituality. Our overall objective is to empower you to make up your own minds about everything. The retreat is a “no-judgment zone” where you can feel safe to express your thoughts and feelings.



I thought coaching was for weak people.

This program provides support, information, and activities designed to help you either grow or surpass blocks at a very stressful time in your life. This does not mean you are “weak.” It simply means you are understandably needing some help, in the same way we all do at some point in or lives, or you may just feel you need to grow. 


I’m not sure I need help because I feel fine at times and other times I’m a mess.

That makes sense because in some ways, you are able to recover from stressful events on your own because people have intuitive wisdom and strength. But to recover and stay that way can also be very challenging and confusing at times. It really is okay to get help. You aren’t alone and others who have been through similar struggles can support you.



What if I’m uncomfortable at the retreat or don’t like what is happening?

All participation is completely voluntary, so you will not be pressured to do anything.  . Our staff are available to talk with you individually to hear your concerns, and will do whatever possible to help you feel relaxed. If you have suggestions, they are welcome, and complaints are taken seriously. You will be encouraged to work with us to make your experience a valuable one.


What if I don't want to socialise with others on the retreat, and just want time on my own?

This retreat is not primarily a social occasion, so you will not be pressured to be sociable. The place itself is in a beautiful rural location with ample opportunity to be alone if you like. However, most participants find out pretty immediately that the other people are safe; they are friendly and share many of the same feelings. Before long, connections are made and folks feel very comfortable with each other.




I feel selfish and unsure about spending so much on myself.

Changing ourselves leads to changing our realities whatever they may be and nothing can be more valuable than becoming the creator of your own life.  You can probably see how important this investment is, can’t you? – when you are the best version of yourself others will also be affected positively, thus in reality you are not spending on yourself but on your  life. 





What if I need some individual attention?

This can be arranged, either spontaneously between sessions, or by appointment.



What if I have powerful emotions I can’t control?

You will be in a safe environment facilitated by a professionally trained group leader. The fear of emotional expression is most often exaggerated compared to the relief of processing feelings effectively with appropriate support.



Will I have to help other people get better?

You will not have any obligation to help others, or use any skills you do not feel you have. Many people, however, find that simply sharing and participating is very helpful to others, and there is satisfaction and learning gained from the mutuality of the group process.



Who goes to these retreats? Will I be able to relate?

Retreat goers are mixed, varying widely in age and other demographics such that you are very likely to find people that you can connect with.


Is this a group that will try to tell me what to think?

We do not have any new doctrines or creeds. We focus on emotional and personal recovery issues, not theology. Thus we do not debate or make any effort to agree on new philosophies other than the general principle of empowering individuals to develop themselves.



How can 10 days make any difference?

This retreat is effective because you will be supported and encouraged to do some things that you might not do on your own or things that require a group dynamic. If you are open and take advantage of the experience, the focused time will have a lasting impact.



Is there any follow-up? What happens afterward?

After the retreat, we encourage participants to join our online group. This allows for regular attention to recovery tasks, with the group available for both support and accountability.  Our talks in Dubai will offer you a chance to discuss your issues with the Coaches, or you can get one-on-one coaching sessions from them after the retreat.


What is included in the cost?

Everything. The cost is very reasonable compared to other retreats and it includes everything. All flights (Dubai-Istanbul, Istanbul-Destination), all transports in Turkey, accommodation in a beautiful resort for the 10 days (on sharing basis, if you need a room to yourself, it can be arranged at an extra cost), breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, all sight seeing costs, full day boat tours to the Islands, and all the trainings and exercises. 



What is the food like?

The food is healthy and plentiful buffets, including full breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, along with snacks and drinks.  Vegetarian options will be available and you can make special requests ahead of time if you have dietary needs.


What are the sleeping arrangements?

There will be rooms inside the hotel main building as well as individual double chalet rooms scattered over the hotel grounds. 



What do I need to bring?

Clothes: Dress is casual and comfortable. The temperature varies so it’s a good idea to bring layers. For a movement exercise, you should have clothes you can move easily in. Also bring a bathing suit and walking shoes if desired. Be dressed for nature, also have clothes for art exercises using paints.


On one evening, we have a very casual, friendly “talent night,” so please bring something to share – a song, poem, story, dance, drawing, joke, handstand, or funny noise. Musical instruments are very welcome. Being an audience member is also valued, so you can bring appreciation and a sense of humor too.



What should I do to book my spot?

Please complete the written exercises assigned as pre-sign up, after you register and then we shall contact you for a meeting. Please note we have only 20 spots available, and an early bird package for the first 10 spots. 




Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

You have any doubts or questions? Feel free to contact us for a casual talk over coffee to learn more.

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